University of Colorado at Boulder

Colorado University, Boulder – Anthropology Dept.
Visit the university’s anthropology museum, learn about its curriculum, and meet its faculty members. Request an application, or look for a job.
Nuclear Physics Laboratory – University of Colorado
Presents a list of group members and details their research. Includes current experiments.
Univ. of Colorado – Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Policy
Present the full text of the university’s Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity policies and procedures. Includes a campus address.
Univ. of Colorado – Dept. of Chemical Engineering
View the graduate studies brochure, check out scholarship opportunities and a course list. Includes seminar and facilities information.
Univ. of Colorado – Italian
Find a general resource from the Dept. of French and Italian. Get details on the degree requirements and news of Italian campus dining.
Univ. of Colorado – Sniper Logic
Members of the school’s creative writing program publish fiction, poetry and essays and offer profiles of the program’s faculty members.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – Accounting & Budget Services
Connect to accounting resources, policies and procedures. Take a look at news, staffing details and related links.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – Aerospace Eng. Sci.
Considered to be one of the nation’s top 10, this program has graduated a number of NASA astronauts. Find academic details and alumni profiles.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – Alcohol and Drug Policy
Describes the university’s alcohol policy. Includes standards of conduct, laws, requirements and general information.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – Alumni and Friends
Features alumni sites, services and resources. Includes career services, campus calendars, data and reports.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – Alumni Association
Browse the alumni directory, visit the career center and read news. Includes a description of member services and benefits.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – American Studies
Features details about the major and minor requirements for the department. Includes career information and Internet resources.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – Astrophysical & Planetary Sciences
Posts a calendar of events, resources and details about the program. Includes contact information and a directory.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – CAMPmode
Center for Advanced Manufacturing and Packaging of Microwave, Optical and Digital Electronics provides an overview of its programs, faculty and sponsors.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – Campus Directories
Directory lists student, staff and faculty email addresses, office addresses of faculty and staff. Find phone numbers, academic dept. home pages.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – Chemistry & Biochemistry
Guide discusses facilities, courses, financial aid, applications, and the faculty of the chemistry and biochemistry program.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – Chinese Programs
Features an overview on undergraduate and graduate programs, and course listings. Find department contact information.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – Cognitive Psychology
Offers an overview of the joint BA-MA program in cognitive psychology. Outlines the curriculum, admissions standards and contact details.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – College of Architecture and Planning
Find out about the faculty, events and staff at this school. Includes an image gallery and related links.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – College of Business
College of Business and Administration offers BS, MS, MBA and PhD degrees in business administration. Find alumni, staff and school details.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – Communication Disorders
Browse program info for undergraduate and graduate studies in speech pathology, speech and hearing science, and audiology. See requirements.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – Community Health
Health Sciences Center summarizes the objectives of the PhD program in epidemiology and community health. Includes staff and faculty contacts.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – Comp. Lit. Grad Program
Graduate program in comparative literature offers both an MA and a PhD. Check out degree requirements and download application materials.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – Constr. Eng. & Mgt Program
Delve into a description of the graduate program in construction management. Request an application package, or learn about internships.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – CU Book Store
Bookstore, owned by the University of Colorado at Boulder, features textbooks, computer products, electronics, and Golden Buffalo merchandise.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – Department of Linguistics
Offers details on its courses and faculty, and provides links to related departments. Discover interdisciplinary program options.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – Dept. of Civil Engineering
Department of Civil, Enivronmental and Architectural Engineering offers guidelines for students. Includes computing tools and student groups.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – Dept. of French & Italian
Program in Italian provides a detailed description of courses, study abroad options, a faculty roster and BA requirements.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – Dept. of Geography
Tour CU’s extensive geography research facilities. Department also describes its courses, faculty specialties and special projects.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – East Asian Languages
Earn graduate and undergraduate degrees in Chinese, Japanese or Asian studies. Contains course descriptions and the curriculum.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – Economics Dept.
Learn about the BA, MA and PhD programs offered by the department of economics. Includes applications for admission and a newsletter.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – Electrical Engineering
Guide to the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering includes degree, course, faculty, research and employment information.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – ESL
Foreign students who wish to learn spoken English may enroll in the program offered by the Department of Linguistics. Offers a syllabus.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – Film Studies Program
Introduces the BA and BFA programs in film studies. Includes the int’l film series schedule and The Flying Bolex film quarterly.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – Geological Sciences
Students’ options include BS, MS and PhD degree programs. Browse a course catalog, follow department news and contact faculty members.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – Geotechnical Engineering
Earn a graduate degree in this subject. Visit facilities, review courses, and monitor research projects.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – German
Introduces degree requirements, course descriptions and schedules, related campus activities and provides contact details.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – Graduate School
Take a tour of the university, or peruse graduate departments and degree programs. Includes faculty and staff information.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – Inst. of Cognitive Science
Research and training center details its degree programs, facilities, research projects and publications. Also find a colloquium schedule.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – International Affairs
Political science department offers an undergraduate international affairs major that can be tailored to particular areas of interest.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – International Studies Ctr
Department of Economics is home to the Carl McGuire Center for International Studies, which focuses on international economics and research.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – Japanese Programs
Dept. of East Asian Languages and Civilizations shares information on the undergraduate and graduate programs in Japanese.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – Kinesiology
Review the admissions and degree requirements for the BA, MS and PhD degree programs in kinesiology. Read about departmental research.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – Latin American Studies
Details the BA program, its courses and faculty, and department research activities.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – Mechanical Engineering
Department posts faculty and staff bios, research reports and details about graduate and undergraduate programs. Includes announcements and general information.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – Molecular Biology
Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology lists lab pages, courses, and degree programs.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – Office of Admissions
Visit the Boulder campus or discover how to apply to the university. Includes a descriptive slide show, FAQ, and housing information.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – Office of Financial Aid
Find out about scholarships, student employment, and general financial aid information. Includes links to related sites.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – Peace and Conflict Studies
Peace and conflict studies program offers an overview of its activities and requirements, profiles its faculty and posts admissions information.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – Philosophy Department
Find a calendar of department events, as well faculty profiles and a list of course offerings. Includes details of philosophy student clubs.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – Police Department
Learn about the measures and officers that go into keeping the campus citizens secure. With emergency contacts and strategies, and links.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – Program in AOS
Learn about the Program in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. Meet faculty, staff and students, and check out research projects and facilities.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – School of Law
School of law provides a form to request admissions information, discusses academic and student programs, and lists upcoming events.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – Slavic Studies
Dept. of Germanic and Slavic Languages & Literatures shares the curriculum for a major or minor in Russian studies. Learn about clubs and faculty
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – Telecommunications
Interdisciplinary Telecommunication Program posts admissions info, details its curriculum, profiles its faculty members, and showcases its lab.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – Theater and Dance Dept.
Pursue a BFA, BA or MFA in dance. Includes program overviews, course descriptions and faculty profiles.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder – Women’s Studies
Claims to be the only school in the state to provide a structured program of undergrad study that culminates in a degree in women’s studies.
Univ. of Colorado/Boulder – Academic Services Center
Offers workshops and tutorial services to students at Univ. of Boulder. Provides a study habits page and details about related services.
University of Colorado at Boulder
Examine a course catalog, financial aid requirements, and admissions criteria. Learn about student resources, and explore the town of Boulder.
University of Colorado at Boulder – Banich, Marie T.
Download the vita, read about her research focus, or find a bibliography of recent publications from this professor of cognitive neuroscience.
University of Colorado at Boulder – History
Check out faculty research and contact details, undergraduate and graduate programs, internships, and current course listings.
University of Colorado at Boulder – SEAC
Student Environmental Action Coalition chapter at University of Colorado at Boulder provides an events calendar and mission statement.
University of Colorado at Boulder Libraries
Provides information about the libraries at UCB including departments, branches, services, catalogs and online resources.
University of Colorado, Boulder – Department of CS
University at Boulder provides an introduction to the program for prospective students. Read about the faculty and degrees.