Local Colleges and Universities

  • University of Southern Indiana

    Univ. of Southern Indiana – Alumni Association Learn about this public school’s graduates and alumni resources through this guide. Includes license-plate updates and service news….

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  • Valparaiso University

    Valparaiso Univ. – Dept. of Geography and Meteorology Department of Geography and Meteorology relates degree and general program information. Learn about courses and field work….

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  • Wabash College

    Bachelor, The – Wabash College Wabash College’s student-run campus newspaper furnishes news, features, opinions, and sports coverage. http://bachelor.wabash.edu/ Wabash College Liberal arts college for men,…

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  • Art Institute of Chicago

    Art Institute of Chicago – Art and Technology Studies Find out about the school’s Macintosh and Silicon Graphics labs, and peruse its overview of its…

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  • Augustana College

    Augustana College Private college in Rock Island, Illinois, posts its course catalog and describes its admission requirements. Read about recent student events. http://www.augustana.edu/ Augustana College…

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  • Aurora University

    Aurora Univ. – George Williams College School of Physical Education, Recreation Admin and Athletics offers BS and MS degrees. Connect to program overviews and job…

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  • Benedictine University

    Benedictine Univ. – Mgt and Organizational Behavior School of Management and Organizational Behavior offers a MS degree at its Lisle, Illinois, campus. Examine the curriculum…

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  • Bradley University

    Bradley Univ. – College of Engineering and Technology Read descriptions of the college’s departments and the graduate and undergraduate programs they offer. Bradley Univ. –…

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  • Chicago State University

    Chicago State Univ. – Dept. of Chemistry and Physics Offers a Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry with specialties in chemistry, industrial chemistry, biochemistry and…

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  • Columbia College Chicago

    Columbia College – English as a Second Language Offers courses for nonnative English speakers to help students already in school and for those needing additional…

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