
  • DeVry University-Georgia

    DeVry Institute of Technology – Financial Aid Office Learn about scholarships and grants available through the Atlanta campus of this university. Includes loan information. DeVry…

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  • Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus

    Georgia Inst. of Tech. – Sam Nunn Sch. of Int’l Affairs Study economic development at the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs. Includes a brief…

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  • Georgia College and State University

    GCSU – Dept. of History and Geography Department of Georgia College and State University lists its courses and faculty. Learn about the history major and…

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  • Georgia Southern University

    Georgia Southern Univ. – Dept of Recreation & Sport Mgt Offers program, faculty and application information, featuring bachelor’s and master’s degree curricula. Georgia Southern Univ….

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  • Georgia Southwestern State University

    GA Southwestern State – Dept. of History & Pol. Science Department of Georgia Southwestern University describes possible careers for history majors. Learn about courses and…

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  • Georgia State University

    Georgia State Univ. – Cecil B Day School Showcase for the Cecil B Day School of Hospitality Administration. Read about Atlanta’s sports and hospitality industry….

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  • Kennesaw State University

    Kennesaw State Univ. – Alumni Association Find out about upcoming events, other alumni and membership benefits. With a photo gallery, career services and merchandise.…

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  • LaGrange College

    LaGrange College About 1,000 students attend this college affiliated with the United Methodist Church. Follow Panther sports. LaGrange College – Alumni Contains news on upcoming…

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  • Medical College of Georgia

    Medical College of Georgia Catch up on the institution’s research through FactNet, an interactive database. Also find admission information and profiles of the facilities. Medical…

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  • Mercer University

    Mercer School of Engineering – Tech Communication Mgt. Graduate school offers a degree in the management of technical communications. Posts classes and degree requirements.…

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