Sonoma State University

Sonoma State University
Northern California CSU campus offers numerous student, prospective student and alumni resources. Details its grad and undergrad programs.
Sonoma State University – Admissions & Records
Student enrollment office presents admission instructions and deadlines, applications, and course registration details. Read about fees and policies.
Sonoma State University – Employment
Measure the qualifications and salaries of the school’s vacant jobs, and obtain forms to apply. Supplies links to the human services office.
Sonoma State University – Ruben Salazar Library
Find help for researchers and links to Web sites useful to researchers and students.
Sonoma State University – Scholarships
Find a merit-based scholarship program available to university students. Includes contact details for more information.

Sonoma State University – Alumni Association

State school profiles distinguished alumni, offers membership details, lists coming events and gives contact information for the alumni office.
Sonoma State University – Alumni Association, Events & Activities
Calendar lists events for graduates of this Rohnert Park, California, school. Also learn the dates of upcoming board meetings.
Sonoma State University – Alumni Association, Membership
Organization for graduates presents membership benefits and fees. Learn about library borrowing privileges and the alumni magazine.
Sonoma State University – School of Business & Economics, Alumni
Graduates of the business programs at this university will find a message from the organization’s director and news of their former classmates.

KSUN – Rohnert Park

Student-run radio station from Sonoma State University plays on 91.5 FM, featuring a program guide with descriptions of individual programs.
Sonoma State University – Associated Students
Organization represents the interests of the student body to the administration. Check out meeting minutes, service opportunities, and upcoming activities.
Sonoma State University – Office of Campus Life
Office offers peer education programs on leadership, sexual abuse prevention, and responsible alcohol use. Find a list of student organizations.
Sonoma State University – Student Organizations
Office of Campus Life presents its handbook for student clubs. Learn about funding policies, or browse a complete directory of officially recognized groups.
Sonoma State University Housing
Office lists deadlines for current and prospective students. Find floor plans of on-campus rooms and suites, as well as descriptions of off-campus options.

Sonoma State Univ. – People, Services, & Administrative Offices

Directory lists offices that provide services to faculty, students, and staff. Also find campus telephone and e-mail directories.
Sonoma State University – Bookstore
Student bookstore allows staff to order textbooks and details its policies on buying books back.
Sonoma State University – Career Services
Department assists students, faculty, and alumni with job searches and career changes. Employers can learn how to post an open position or participate in a job fair.
Sonoma State University – Disabled Student Services
Learn about accessibility, advocacy, and tutoring services provided by this office. Students and faculty will find advice and contact information.
Sonoma State University – International Services
Office serves the academic and social needs of international students at this university. Find a schedule of English as a Second Language classes.
Sonoma State University – Police Services
Scrutinize annual crime statistics or report suspicious activity. The police offer drug and alcohol abuse education and crime prevention tips.
Sonoma State University – Women’s Resource Center
Resources provided by the center include a lending library on gender issues, a regular newsletter, educational events such as lectures, and referral services.