San Jose State University

San Jose State University
From this central resource, visitors can access this public university’s many academic departments, admissions office and athletics news.
San Jose State University – Accounting & Costing
Financial office serves academic departments and administration at this university. Find contacts, training schedules, and a FAQ.
San Jose State University – California Faculty Association
Chapter of the state professors union presents its activities and services. Read of membership benefits.
San Jose State University – Campus Map
View a map of the main campus of this school. Links to driving directions and maps of other university facilities are available.
San Jose State University – Educational Opportunity Program
Program helps low-income prospective students prepare their application to SJSU. Find a summer program schedule.
San Jose State University – Employment
Obtain and complete an application for one of the positions described here by the Spartan human resources office. Lists processes and schedules.
San Jose State University – Facts About SJSU
Introduction provides an overview of this school’s history, data about the faculty and student body, and names of famous alumni. Find administrative contact information.
San Jose State University – Financial Aid & Scholarship Office
Prospective students will find tips on aid applications and eligibility. Learn about scholarships and dependent status, or browse the glossary and FAQ.
San Jose State University – Human Resources Service Group
Office presents employment policies, benefits, and job openings. Learn who to contact with questions or issues.
San Jose State University – Labor @ SJSU
Official site presents the local chapter of the California State Employees Union. Check out news, upcoming meetings, and membership.
San Jose State University – Office of Sponsored Programs
Part of the University Foundation, this administrative unit helps academic departments apply for and manage grants. Check out a directory of funding sources.
San Jose State University – Office of the President
Head administrator of this public institution presents a welcome message and contact details. Learn about the Board of Trustees or browse an organizational chart.
San Jose State University – Scholarships
Take a look at scholarship information available to university students. Includes tips on applying for awards.
San Jose State University – SOAR, Admission
Student Outreach and Recruitment office presents admission requirements and application deadlines for prospective first-year, transfer, and graduate students.
San Jose State University Foundation
Nonprofit corporation helps raise funds for the college and helps departments administer grants. Find forms and a staff directory.
SJSU – Institutional Planning and Academic Resources
Read about the statistical analyses prepared by this office of San Jose State University. With links to student and faculty data.