Southeastern Oklahoma State University

Southeastern Okla. State Univ. – Organizational Comm.
Receive a BA in communication with an interpersonal and organizational emphasis. View course information, and access department details.
Southeastern Oklahoma State Univ. – Comm. & Theatre
Study broadcasting in pursuit of a BA in communication. Check out program and course information with access to department details.
Southeastern Oklahoma State Univ. – Rhetoric Option
Acquire a bachelor’s degree in communication with a concentration in rhetoric. See program and course info, plus department details.
Southeastern Oklahoma State Univ. Support Services
Features support services for Oklahoma State Univ. students. Offers counseling, disability services, financial aid and tutoring.
Southeastern Oklahoma State University – Alumni
Includes a printable membership application and a list of benefits. Also has a list of distinguished alumni.
Southeastern Oklahoma State University – Journalism
Obtain a bachelor of arts in communication with a journalism concentration. Includes program and course info, with access to department details.
Southeastern Oklahoma State University Upward Bound
Offers details about upward bound student life, alumni, staff and programs. Includes forms to fill out to apply to the program.